Crustoforest B 1000 1000 g
Water 520 g
Vegetable Oil 50g
1. Place Crustoforest B1000 and water in the mixing bowl, mix with a pedal attachment on low speed for 1 minute .
2. Scrape down the batter and mix on high speed for 5 minutes (Speed 3).
3. Add vegetable oil and then mix on low speed for 1 minute / until the oil folds well.
4. Scale as required in to greased pan(s).
5. Bake as specified.
Baking Temperature : 160oC, Baking Time : 35-40 minutes / until baked well.
Baking time may vary with oven type and scaling size. Given time is for rectangular tray with 1 Kg batter in an electric deck oven.
1 Kg , 5 Kg Bag & 25 Kg Bag/ Product Code: B7018